Nar Phu Valley with Annapurna Circuit Trek – 20 days

Nar Phu Valley with Annapurna Circuit Trek – 20 days

Start Point


End Point






Max Altitude

5416 meter





No. of Person

Min. 02 Pax


  • Diverse Landscapes: Embark on a journey through a wide range of landscapes, from lush sub-tropical forests and terraced fields to high-altitude deserts, offering a diverse and ever-changing scenery.
  • Annapurna Massif: Marvel at the majestic Annapurna massif, a prominent mountain range that graces the backdrop throughout the trek, providing stunning vistas.
  • Cultural Variety: Encounter traditional villages along the way, inhabited by Gurung, Thakali, and other ethnic groups, providing an immersive cultural experience and a chance to witness local traditions.
  • Unique Architecture: Explore picturesque villages, including Manang, known for its unique architecture and Tibetan-influenced culture, adding cultural richness to the journey.
  • Thorong La Pass: Challenge yourself with the ascent to Thorong La Pass, standing at an elevation of about 5,416 meters (17,769 feet), and relish panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges.
  • Nar and Phu Valleys: Explore the hidden gems of Nar and Phu Valleys, characterized by their secluded and pristine beauty, offering a less-traveled route with unique cultural experiences.
  • Monasteries and Gompas: Visit ancient monasteries and Gompas along the way, immersing yourself in the spiritual and religious aspects of the region.
  • Tilicho Lake: Optionally, include a side trip to Tilicho Lake, one of the highest lakes globally, surrounded by snow-capped peaks, providing an additional breathtaking experience.
  • Muktinath Temple: Visit Muktinath, a sacred site for both Hindus and Buddhists, adding a spiritual dimension to your trek.
  • Local Markets: Explore local markets in villages, providing an opportunity to interact with locals, purchase unique handicrafts, and experience the vibrant local life.
  • Nar Phedi and Nar Village: Discover the unique landscapes and cultural nuances of Nar Phedi and Nar Village, adding an off-the-beaten-path element to your trek.
  • Unforgettable Memories: Forge memories that will last a lifetime as you navigate through diverse terrains, engage with local communities, and witness the grandeur of the Himalayas, creating an enriching and unforgettable trekking experience.

Nar Phu Valley with Annapurna Circuit Overview

Nar Phu Valley with Annapurna Circuit Trek begins from Besisahar to Manang along the Marshyangdi River. It is a relatively short and easy trek, but it is important to get acclimatized to the altitude as you will be gaining over 2,000 meters (6,600 feet) in elevation.

The trail starts in Besisahar and follows the Marsyangdi River upstream. You will pass through the villages of Chamje and Tal before reaching Manang. The scenery along the trail is beautiful, and you will have the opportunity to see a variety of wildlife, including Himalayan tahr, monal pheasants, and snow leopards.

Annapurna Circuit Trek

The trek from Besisahar to Manang is also the first leg of the Annapurna Circuit Trek. It is a bit more challenging than the Nar Phu Valley Trek, but it is still a relatively easy trek. The trail is well-maintained and easy to follow.

The trail starts in Besisahar and follows the Marsyangdi River upstream. You will pass through the villages of Chamje, Tal, and Letdar before reaching Manang. The scenery along the trail is just as beautiful as the Nar Phu Valley Trek, and you will have the opportunity to see the same wildlife.

Both the Nar Phu Valley Trek and the Annapurna Circuit Trek are amazing experiences that will allow you to see the best of Nepal. If you are looking for a challenging trek with stunning scenery, then I would recommend the Nar Phu Valley Trek. If you are looking for a classic trekking route with a bit less challenge, then I would recommend the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

Here are some things to keep in mind when planning a trek from Besisahar to Manang:

The best time to go on the Nar Phu Valley Trek or Annapurna Circuit Trek is during the spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November). The weather is usually clear and sunny during these times.

Be sure to acclimatize to the altitude as you will be gaining over 2,000 meters (6,600 feet) in elevation.

Take it slow and steady on the ascent. Don’t try to do too much too soon, or you could get altitude sickness.

Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of snacks to stay hydrated and energized.

Be prepared for the weather to change. It can be sunny and warm in the morning, and then snow and rain in the afternoon.

Pack for all types of weather, including warm clothes, rain gear, and sunscreen.

Hire a guide and porters to help you with the logistics of the trek. This is especially important if you are not familiar with the area.

Detail Itinerary

Once you land at Kathmandu International Airport (KTM), you will be greeted by a friendly representative holding a placard with your name on it. Look out for them as you exit the arrival hall.

After a warm welcome, our representative will help you with your luggage and escort you to a waiting private vehicle. The vehicle will be clean, comfortable, and air-conditioned, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey to your hotel.

The journey to your hotel will depend on its location. In general, it can take anywhere between 20 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic conditions. During the ride, you can relax and enjoy the views of the bustling city or ask your representative any questions you may have about your stay in Nepal.

Upon arrival at your hotel, the representative will help you check in and ensure you are settled in comfortably. They will also be happy to answer any further questions you may have and provide you with information about the tour services.

Morning: Cultural Tour
1. Pashupatinath Temple
Early Visit: Start your day early by visiting Pashupatinath Temple, one of the holiest Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. Witness the morning rituals and observe the spiritual ambiance along the Bagmati River.
5. Boudhanath Stupa
Visit Boudhanath: Drive to Boudhanath Stupa, one of the largest stupas in Nepal and a sacred pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

Circumambulation: Join the locals in the traditional circumambulation (kora) around the stupa, spinning prayer wheels and soaking in the serene atmosphere.
4. Swayambhunath (Monkey Temple)
Drive to Swayambhunath: Travel to Swayambhunath, also known as the Monkey Temple, which offers panoramic views of the Kathmandu Valley.

Explore the Stupa: Climb the steps to the stupa and take in the cultural and religious significance of this ancient site.
2. Patan Durbar Square
Travel to Patan: Head to Patan, an ancient city known for its well-preserved architecture and rich cultural heritage.

Explore Durbar Square: Wander through Patan Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and marvel at the intricately carved temples, palaces, and courtyards. Also Trekking preparation.

Our Annapurna adventure ignites early tomorrow morning as we embark on a scenic drive to Koto. We rise with the sun, eager to outpace the traffic and relish the unfolding landscape. Anticipation crackles in the air as we weave through bustling Kathmandu, leaving the urban symphony behind for the rhythmic hum of the open road.

Along the way, we’ll indulge in delicious local meals, each bite a flavorful introduction to the region’s culinary tapestry. Imagine savory momos steaming on your plate, or the aroma of fresh dal Bhat wafting through the air. These culinary pauses are more than just refuelling stops; they’re opportunities to immerse ourselves in the local rhythm of life.

In Besisahar, an exciting transformation awaits. We trade the comfort of our coach for the rugged charm of a local jeep. These trusty vehicles, adorned with prayer flags and vibrant local flair, are perfectly suited for the unpaved paths that lie ahead. As the asphalt fades into winding dirt roads, a sense of adventure takes hold.

At Khudigoan checkpoint, we pause to register our journey, a necessary formality that marks the entrance to the Annapurna Conservation Area. Here, amongst the towering peaks and vibrant prayer flags, we take a breath and appreciate the grandeur of the adventure that unfolds before us.

Leaving Khudigoan behind, the road winds deeper into the mountains. Lush valleys give way to dramatic gorges, and waterfalls cascade down moss-covered cliffs like liquid ribbons. At Chyamje, a majestic waterfall beckons us. We stretch our legs, inhale the crisp mountain air, and indulge in a steaming cup of tea – a perfect respite before the final push to Koto.

As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, we arrive in Koto. Our cozy teahouse welcomes us with open arms, a haven of warmth and comfort after the day’s journey. Tonight, under the star-studded sky, we savor the anticipation of tomorrow’s adventures, and allow the stories of the road to lull us into a restful sleep.

Remember, this is not just a drive to Koto; it’s an initiation into the heart of the Himalayas. Embrace the bumpy roads, the pit stops, and the breathtaking panoramas, for it’s in these moments that the magic of Nepal truly unfolds. So, adventurer, settle back, savor the journey, and let the mountains guide you towards the wonders that await in Koto.

The Himalayas awaken us with a breathtaking sunrise, draping the peaks of Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II, Gangapurna, and Kangaru Himal in a golden kiss. If the skies are clear, prepare to be spellbound by a panorama that promises an epic adventure ahead.

Our day begins with a short climb, a warm-up for the challenges to come. Then, we descend to ford a glacial river, the icy water a refreshing embrace against the crisp mountain air. But the true test awaits – a long, gradual ascent towards the Meta Pass, which, at 4,635 meters, will be the highest point of our journey today.

However, the climb needn’t feel daunting. Imagine it as a pilgrimage towards the mighty Annapurna II, its imposing stature a constant beacon guiding our steps. With each stride, we inch closer to its breathtaking presence, savoring the changing landscapes and the exhilarating sense of pushing our limits.

And finally, after conquering the Meta Pass, the reward: a long, exhilarating descent. Feel the weight lift from your legs, the tension ease from your shoulders, as you embrace the exhilarating freedom of downhill. We cross another river, this time on a sturdy bridge, before tackling the final climb – a satisfying coda to a day of triumphs and stunning vistas.

Tonight, as we settle into our comfortable lodge in Meta, memories of the day will dance in our minds. We’ll recall the sun-kissed peaks, the cool caress of the glacial river, and the quiet satisfaction of reaching the Meta Pass. It’s a day that has tested our resolve, rewarded our efforts, and painted our journey with an unforgettable brushstroke.

So, adventurer, raise a toast to the day’s triumphs, and rest assured that tomorrow promises even more breathtaking landscapes and challenging climbs. Embrace the journey, one step at a time, and let the Himalayas fill your soul with their majestic beauty.

Today, the mountains whisper tales of ascent and descent, a rhythmic melody guiding our steps towards Phu village. After a breakfast that fuels our spirit, we begin with an easy climb, bathed in the golden warmth of the morning sun. As we walk, the magnificent silhouette of Pisang Monastery paints itself against the azure sky, a silent guardian watching over our journey.

Within an hour and a half, we arrive at Jhunum, a Khampa settlement nestled at a lower altitude. It acts as a winter haven for the villagers of Nar, offering respite from the harsher embrace of higher peaks. Stepping into Jhunum feels like stepping back in time, with its traditional dwellings and the gentle pace of life.

From Jhunum, we continue to Chayakhu, another Khampa village adorned with the charm of ancient traditions. Here, the path beckons us upwards, a gradual ascent that soon surrenders to a refreshing descent towards a bridge spanning a gurgling river. We cross over, leaving the rushing water behind as we embark on another climb towards Kyang.

Kyang welcomes us into its picturesque valley, nestled amidst rugged stone mountains. This Khampa settlement, with its air of timeless peace, provides the perfect setting for a well-deserved lunch break. Savor the flavors of local delicacies and the warmth of friendly smiles as you recharge for the journey ahead.

Refreshed and energized, we set out again, following the Phu River as it snakes through the valley. Carefully, we navigate the trail carved into the cliff face, the river a constant companion to our left. Finally, a wooden bridge marks a pivotal moment – the crossing to the final leg of our journey.

After a short, but exhilarating, uphill climb, the gate to Phu village emerges, a triumphant archway announcing our arrival. We press on for another 30 minutes, anticipation building with each step, until we reach the iconic suspension bridge and Phu village itself.

Here, amidst the traditional stone houses and vibrant prayer flags, we find a haven of comfort and warmth. Our day, a tapestry woven with ascents and descents, cul culminates in a sense of profound accomplishment. Tonight, as we settle under the starlit sky, let the echoes of the mountains mingle with the laughter of shared stories, creating memories that will forever bind us to the magic of Phu village.

This rewrite aims to create a more immersive and descriptive narrative, evoking a sense of journey and accomplishment. It also incorporates details about the Khampa settlements and the scenic features of the trail, adding a layer of cultural and geographic interest.

For those drawn by the whisper of early light, a pre-breakfast pilgrimage beckons. A 40-minute round trip to Tashi Lakhang Monastery promises a serene baptism in the golden hues of dawn. The air, laced with the scent of juniper and prayers, will guide your steps as you reach the monastery, its weathered stones cradling centuries of stories.

Returning to Phu Village, a steaming breakfast awaits, fueling your spirit for the day’s challenge. Today, the mountains unveil their majesty, demanding an ascent of over 1,000 meters. Prepare to push your limits, but know that the reward is far sweeter than the sweat upon your brow.

As you climb, the world expands beneath you. Himlung, Bhrikuti, and Kangaru Himal pierce the sky, their snow-capped peaks a constant inspiration. Each switchback offers a new vista, painting the landscape in a kaleidoscope of greens, blues, and whites. Your breath may falter, but your spirit will soar, fueled by the breathtaking panorama unfolding before you.

After an hour of moderate uphill, Phu Pass, at 5,200 meters, stands as a triumphant milestone. Take a moment here, bask in the thin air, and let the immensity of the Himalayas wash over you. You have conquered a significant challenge, and the panorama from the pass is a silent symphony of victory.

But the journey continues. Crossing Phu Pass, you embark on a joyous descent towards Loang, your haven for the night. Imagine your legs easing into the rhythm of downhill, the landscape softening into verdant slopes and quaint villages. The laughter of children and the scent of yak butter tea welcome you to Loang, a cozy village offering respite and warmth after a day of exertion and awe.

Tonight, as you lie beneath the star-studded sky, replay the day’s triumphs in your mind. From the pre-dawn whispers of Tashi Lakhang to the breathtaking panorama of Phu Pass, you have etched an unforgettable chapter in your Himalayan adventure. Loang, with its gentle embrace, cradles your dreams of tomorrow’s ascents and the breathtaking landscapes waiting to be discovered.

Today, the air hums with the echo of footsteps on a challenging ascent. We set off towards Nar Pass, our gaze forever drawn to the towering sentinels of Himlung and Kangaru Himal. Their snow-kissed peaks, painted in the morning sun, become our compass, their silent encouragement urging us forward.

The climb demands patience and resilience. Each switchback feels like a brushstroke on the canvas of our journey, adding layers of exhaustion and exhilaration. But doubt not, adventurer, for the reward awaits at the summit.

As we crest Nar Pass, a gasp escapes our lips. The world explodes before us – a panoramic tapestry woven with mountains, mountains, and more mountains. Bhrikuti, Himlung, and Kangaru stand proud to the east, their icy crowns gleaming in the sun. Chulu and the Annapurna range rise like giants to the southwest, their jagged peaks piercing the azure sky. It’s a scene so breathtaking, it steals your breath away and leaves you speechless, humbled by the grandeur of nature’s canvas.

Here, at the pinnacle of our climb, we savor the victory hard-earned. We indulge in a well-deserved rest, letting the sun warm our weary bones and the landscape fill our souls. Let your camera click away, capturing this fleeting moment, an eternal memory etched in pixels.

But the journey continues. With a sigh of bittersweet farewell, we embark on the descent, a 1,000-meter plunge through scree fields that test our agility and balance. Yet, even in this rugged terrain, beauty whispers. Look closely, and you’ll find wildflowers clinging to life, their vibrant petals splashes of color against the gray rock.

Finally, as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, we reach Chekchu, our campsite for the night. This humble haven, nestled under the watchful gaze of the mountains, welcomes us with the promise of a crackling fire and a restful sleep. Tonight, under the starlit sky, let the echoes of the day’s triumph and the memories of Nar Pass’s breathtaking panorama lull you into a dream filled with summits yet to be conquered and landscapes yet to be unveiled.

Today, the mountains whisper a softer tale, inviting us on a journey filled with gentle descents and enchanting discoveries. We begin with a spirited plunge, following the rhythm of the land as we wind our way down to the river below. Anticipation builds as we reach a suspension bridge, a swaying silver thread connecting us to the next chapter of our adventure.

Crossing the bridge, we feel the weight lift from our legs and a lightness fill our hearts. The air hums with the melody of rushing water, a refreshing serenade after the day’s descent. From here, our path ascends once more, leading us towards the captivating embrace of Nar Village.

Emerging from the bend, a gasp escapes our lips. Nar Village unfolds before us like a precious jewel nestled in a natural bowl. Ancient terraced fields, emerald ribbons etched upon the mountainside, whisper stories of time and tradition. Stone houses, adorned with prayer flags like colorful butterflies, add to the village’s timeless charm.

Wandering through Nar’s narrow lanes, we feel transported to a simpler time. The gentle smiles of villagers, the rhythmic clatter of looms weaving traditional fabrics, and the scent of yak butter tea wafting from cozy kitchens – each nuance paints a picture of idyllic village life.

Take time to explore the hidden corners of Nar. Discover a quaint monastery, its walls adorned with vibrant murals, or stumble upon a local market bursting with the freshest produce and handmade crafts. Every encounter, every sight, and every sound adds a stroke to the vibrant tapestry of our Himalayan experience.

As the sun dips below the mountains, casting long shadows across the terraced fields, find a quiet spot to soak in the magic of Nar. Breathe in the crisp mountain air, let the melody of the rushing river lull you into serenity, and savor the warmth of this enchanting village.

Tonight, under the starlit sky, let the memories of Nar dance in your dreams. The gentle descent, the swaying bridge, the emerald embrace of the valley – each moment whispers a promise: adventure awaits, one village charm at a time. So, adventurer, rest and recharge, for tomorrow, the Himalayas beckon you towards new landscapes and hidden wonders.

Today, the mountains whisper a lullaby of relaxation. After the challenges of the past days, Nar Village welcomes us with open arms and an invitation to explore its gentle charms. The morning unfolds at your own pace, allowing you to delve deeper into the village’s unique tapestry.

Perhaps you’ll wander through the narrow lanes, conversing with friendly locals and discovering hidden gems like a quaint monastery or a vibrant market brimming with colorful wares. Maybe you’ll choose to sit by the gurgling river, letting the melody of the water wash away any lingering fatigue. Or, perhaps you’ll find yourself captivated by the emerald embrace of the terraced fields, each step revealing a new perspective of this enchanting valley.

After a leisurely lunch, the afternoon beckons with a gentle stroll through the Pisang Valley. Imagine yourself surrounded by snow-capped peaks, their majestic silhouette a constant companion on your path. Breathe in the crisp mountain air, scented with wildflowers and the faint aroma of yak butter tea. Feel the sun warm your skin as you walk, each step a brushstroke on the canvas of your memory.

As the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and gold, you reach your destination for the night – Kangla Phedi. This cozy haven awaits you with its warm embrace, offering a perfect respite after your day of gentle exploration.

Tonight, under the starlit sky, let the memories of Nar and Pisang Valley dance in your dreams. The friendly faces, the vibrant colors, the serene landscapes – each moment becomes a precious jewel in the treasure chest of your Himalayan adventure.

Remember, adventurer, even easy days are filled with hidden wonders. So, savor the peace of Nar, the beauty of the Pisang Valley, and the promise of new adventures that await you tomorrow in the heart of the Himalayas.

Today, the mountains whisper a challenge – the formidable Kangla Pass, at 5,210 meters, stands as our gateway to the next chapter of our adventure. We rise with the dawn, our breath frosting in the crisp air, determination burning in our eyes. Crossing a small glacial stream, we embark on a gradual ascent, each step a deliberate stride towards the sky.

For four hours, the path becomes our mantra. We ascend through rhododendron forests, their dappled sunlight painting shadows on our faces. We traverse windswept slopes, feeling the sting of altitude but fueled by the anticipation of the summit. And then, as if painted on a celestial canvas, the panorama unfolds.

If the weather gods smile upon us, a breathtaking spectacle awaits. Annapurnas, draped in snow and kissed by sunlight, rise like giants to the south. The Chulu range, jagged and defiant, paints the western horizon. And to the east, Lamjung Himal stands guard, its ancient peaks cradling valleys veiled in mystery. It’s a moment that steals your breath away, a symphony of nature’s grandeur played out on a mountaintop stage.

Savoring the victory of the summit, we embark on the descent. Our steps dance on scree fields, a playful contrast to the climb. As we descend, the landscape softens, verdant valleys dotted with yak pastures unfolding beneath us. Finally, a haven emerges – the village of Ngawal, nestled in a gentle embrace of the mountains.

Tonight, a proper bed offers a haven for weary bones, and the possibility of a shower feels like a gift from the heavens. With each steaming drop, the day’s challenges melt away, replaced by a sense of profound accomplishment and quiet contentment.

In Ngawal, under the starlit sky, let the memories of Kangla Pass resonate within you. The crisp morning air, the challenging climb, the breathtaking vista – each moment becomes a brushstroke on the portrait of your Himalayan journey. Tomorrow, new peaks beckon, but for now, surrender to the warmth of Ngawal’s embrace and the promise of a well-deserved rest.

Today, the mountains whisper a gentler tale, inviting you to a day of well-deserved rest in the tranquil embrace of Nagawl. With a population of only 300, this charming village offers a sanctuary for weary feet and a balm for restless spirits.

Choose your own melody for this serene symphony of relaxation. Perhaps you’ll wander through the narrow lanes, exchanging smiles with friendly locals and discovering the quiet rhythm of village life. Maybe you’ll find solace in the embrace of the mountains, perched on a sun-drenched rock and letting the panorama of snow-capped peaks and verdant valleys fill your soul.

For those seeking gentle adventures, Ngawal offers hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed. Explore a quaint monastery, its walls adorned with vibrant murals that whisper ancient stories. Discover a local market, a kaleidoscope of colors bursting with fresh produce and handmade crafts. Immerse yourself in the simple beauty of everyday life, where children’s laughter dances on the wind and prayer flags flutter like colorful butterflies.

Or, perhaps you choose to surrender to the sun’s warm caress. Find a quiet corner, let the mountain breeze ruffle your hair, and simply be. Close your eyes and listen to the whispers of the wind, the gentle gurgle of a nearby stream, the rustle of leaves – a symphony of nature composed just for you.

Tonight, as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and gold, gather around a crackling fire for a communal dinner. Share stories of the day’s discoveries, laugh with newfound friends, and let the warmth of the flames and the camaraderie fill your heart.

In Ngawal, a day of rest is not just a pause; it’s a brushstroke on the canvas of your journey. It’s a time to recharge your spirit, to awaken your senses to the quiet wonders around you, and to prepare for the adventures that lie ahead. So, adventurer, embrace the whispers of Ngawal, savor the peace, and allow yourself to be lulled into a state of serene anticipation for the mountains that beckon you tomorrow.

After a day of rejuvenating rest in Nagawl, the mountains whisper a renewed invitation – a shorter hike to reignite your spirit and stretch your legs. Today, we follow the gurgling melody of the river on its south side, embarking on a gentle climb over a scenic ridge.

As we ascend, the world expands beneath us. Upper Pisang unfolds like a patchwork quilt, its stone houses and terraced fields bathed in the morning sun. Imagine yourself breathing in the crisp mountain air, laced with the scent of pine trees and the faint aroma of yak butter tea brewing in distant kitchens.

The path winds through verdant pine forests, sunlight dappling through the needles and painting playful patterns on the forest floor. Quaint farming villages peek through the trees, their terraced fields like emerald ribbons adorning the mountainside. Each encounter, each smile exchanged with a local, adds a brushstroke to the tapestry of your Himalayan adventure.

As you draw closer to Manang, your destination for the night, a shift whispers in the air. The temperature dips, a refreshing contrast to the sun-warmed climb. The landscape grows drier, revealing rugged beauty in the starkness of the terrain. Yet, amidst this change, a sense of anticipation builds. Manang, with its bustling streets and vibrant atmosphere, awaits.

Tonight, under the starlit sky, let the memories of the day dance in your dreams. The gentle climb, the whispering pines, the glimpses of village life – each moment becomes a treasured gem in your journey. Tomorrow, Manang beckons with new adventures and cultural immersions. But for now, savor the quiet satisfaction of rekindled fire in your legs and the promise of a cozy haven in the heart of the Himalayas.

Leaving the bustling heart of Manang behind, we embark on a day of steady ascent, our steps echoing the whispers of the mountains as they guide us towards the final chapter of the trek – the mighty Thorong La Pass. The Marshyangdi Valley gently surrenders to us, its verdant tapestry fading into the distance as we embrace the rugged beauty of the Jarsang Khola Valley.

The path unfurls like a ribbon woven into the mountainside, each switchback offering a new perspective on the changing landscape. Feel the sun warm your skin, the crisp mountain air invigorate your lungs, and the rhythm of your steps become a mantra of determination.

Along the way, the Jarsang Khola Valley paints a breathtaking canvas. Imagine rugged, snow-capped peaks piercing the azure sky, their glaciers glinting like scattered diamonds. Yak caravans, laden with goods and guided by weathered faces, add a touch of timeless tradition to the scenery. Look closely, and you might even spot marmots basking on sun-drenched rocks or shy birds flitting through the juniper bushes.

As the day unfolds, the air thins, a gentle reminder of the altitude we gain. But let your spirit soar with each step, fueled by the anticipation of reaching Letdar – our haven for the night. This quaint village, nestled amidst the mountains, offers a warm embrace and a chance to recharge for the final test that awaits tomorrow: the conquest of Thorong La Pass.

Tonight, gather around a crackling fire with fellow adventurers, sharing stories of the day’s climb and whispering dreams of the summit yet to be achieved. Let the starlit sky above paint your dreams with the ethereal beauty of the Himalayas, and let the whispers of Letdar lull you into a slumber filled with the promise of tomorrow’s triumph.

Today, the mountains whisper a thrilling challenge – a day dedicated to ascending, a step-by-step pilgrimage towards Throng Phedi, our gateway to the majestic Thorong La. Every switchback feels like a brushstroke on the canvas of your journey, each breath a testament to your unwavering spirit.

The path winds upwards, defying gravity and unveiling breathtaking vistas with each turn. Imagine yourself bathed in the warm embrace of the sun, gazing upon the towering sentinel of Mt. Ghundang, its snow-capped peak reflecting the azure sky. In the distance, Mt. Syangang stands guard, its rugged slopes etched with the whispers of ancient glaciers.

With each step, the air thins, a gentle reminder of the altitude you conquer. But let this be a badge of honor, a testament to your unwavering resolve. Look within, find the burning ember of determination, and let it fuel your steps. Along the way, you might encounter yak caravans, their bells serenading the mountains, or shy marmots perched on sun-drenched rocks. These fleeting encounters add a touch of magic to your climb, whispers of nature intertwined with your footsteps.

Finally, as the sun dips below the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, Throng Phedi emerges from the folds of the mountains. This humble village, nestled amidst the majesty of the Himalayas, offers a well-deserved haven for weary legs and a heart filled with anticipation. Tonight, under the starlit sky, let the echoes of your ascent resonate within you. The breathtaking views, the thin air that tingles in your lungs, the quiet determination that fueled your steps – each moment becomes a treasured gem in your Himalayan adventure.

Tomorrow, Thorong La beckons, the final summit on this epic journey. But for now, surrender to the warmth of Throng Phedi, a cozy sanctuary before the dawn of your crowning achievement. So, adventurer, rest your weary bones, savor the triumph of the day, and let the whispers of the Himalayas lull you into a dream of tomorrow’s victory.

Today, the mountains whisper a thrilling ultimatum – Thorong La, the mighty crown of your journey, stands at 5,416 meters, beckoning you to claim its summit. This is the day your lungs stretch against the thin air, your legs defy gravity, and your spirit reaches for the sky.

The ascent is a pilgrimage, each switchback a prayer flag fluttering in the crisp wind. Feel the sun warm your face and the earth pulse beneath your boots. Look within, find the burning ember of determination, and let it ignite your every step. Along the way, the landscape transforms into a breathtaking tableau. Snow-capped peaks pierce the azure sky, their glaciers glinting like scattered diamonds. Yak caravans, laden with goods and guided by weathered faces, add a touch of timeless tradition.

And then, as the sun bathes the world in golden hues, you conquer it. Thorong La, the pinnacle of your trek, unfolds before you in a panoramic tapestry. The Annapurna range stretches like a sleeping giant, its snow-kissed peaks whispering ancient tales. Below, the mighty Kali Gandaki Valley carves its way through the earth, a testament to time and nature’s raw power. This is your moment, etched in sweat and breathless awe, a triumph you hold close to your heart.

But the journey continues. Descending from the pass feels like traversing through a different world. Barren slopes give way to emerald valleys, punctuated by the vibrant splash of prayer flags. Look closely, and you might spot yaks grazing on sun-drenched meadows or children with wind-blown hair chasing laughter across the hills.

Finally, nestled amidst the valley’s embrace, Muktinath emerges – a timeless pearl bathed in the golden light of afternoon. This ancient pilgrimage town, whispered with stories of gods and legends, welcomes you with its warm glow. Explore its labyrinthine streets, adorned with colorful prayer flags and the scent of burning incense. Immerse yourself in the bustling energy of the temple complex, where pilgrims from all corners of the world seek solace and enlightenment.

Tonight, let the memories of the day dance in your dreams. The grueling climb, the breathtaking summit, the gentle descent to Muktinath – each moment becomes a jewel in your Himalayan crown. Tomorrow, new adventures await, but for now, surrender to the embrace of Muktinath, a haven where ancient whispers mingle with the echoes of your triumph. So, adventurer, rest your weary bones, savor the victory of Thorong La, and let the peace of Muktinath lull you into a dream filled with the promise of discoveries yet to be made.

Today, the mountains whisper a bittersweet melody – a final day of trekking before their majestic embrace loosens its hold. From the timeless haven of Muktinath, we embark on a journey that dives into the heart of the earth, traversing the Kali Gandaki Gorge, the deepest canyon in the world.

Imagine yourself dwarfed by the colossal cliffs, their weathered faces reflecting the whispers of ancient glaciers. Flanking you on either side stand the mighty Annapurna and Dhaulagiri, their icy peaks piercing the sky, testaments to nature’s enduring grandeur. Every step feels like a brushstroke on the canvas of your memory, etching the awe-inspiring panorama into your soul.

As you descend, the landscape softens, revealing charming villages clinging precariously to the mountainsides. Pass through Jharkot, a timeless tapestry of stone houses and sun-drenched courtyards, and breathe in the aroma of yak butter tea brewing in smoke-filled kitchens. In Kagbeni, wander through narrow alleys adorned with prayer flags, where every corner echoes with the whispers of ancient Tibetan traditions.

Finally, Marpha beckons, a haven wrapped in the sweet scent of ripening apples. This enchanting village, renowned for its orchards laden with juicy fruit and its potent apple brandy, offers a delightful respite from the journey. Sample the local cider, indulge in a slice of freshly baked apple pie, and let the laughter of children playing in the cobbled streets chase away any lingering weariness.

From Marpha, the path gently leads to Jomson, your final haven in the heart of the Himalayas. As you arrive, a bittersweet sigh escapes your lips. The journey is ending, but the memories are etched forever in your spirit. Tonight, gather around a crackling fire with newfound friends, sharing stories of triumphs and laughter, of challenges overcome and friendships forged. Let the starlit sky above paint your dreams with the ethereal beauty of the Himalayas, and let the melody of the Jomson River be a lullaby for your soul.

Tomorrow, you depart, carrying the whispers of the mountains in your heart. But remember, adventurer, this is not an ending, but a new beginning. The Himalayas have touched you, shaped you, and filled you with the spirit of wonder. Carry that spirit with you wherever you go, a reminder of the day you conquered mountains, both within and without.

Upon arriving in Pokhara, you have the option to either take some rest to recuperate from the journey or explore the beautiful city and its surroundings. Here are some suggestions for places to visit in Pokhara:

  1. Phewa Lake: Take a leisurely stroll along the shores of Phewa Lake, enjoy a boat ride, or simply relax by the water, soaking in the serene atmosphere.
  2. Davis Falls: Witness the mesmerizing Davis Falls, a unique waterfall that flows into an underground tunnel. The area around the falls is known for its scenic beauty.
  3. Gupteshwor Cave: Explore the Gupteshwor Cave, located near Davis Falls. The cave houses a Shiva lingam and features impressive stalactite formations.
  4. World Peace Pagoda: Enjoy a short boat ride across Phewa Lake and hike up to the World Peace Pagoda for breathtaking views of Pokhara Valley and the Annapurna range.

Today, we embark on a return journey, a 6 to 7-hour drive to Kathmandu, carrying with us cherished memories of Nepal and its distinctive culture and geography. These moments are etched in our hearts and will be treasured for a lifetime!

The team at Adventure Land Nepal will assist you with the transfer to the airport for your departure from Nepal. We sincerely hope that the memories of this epic trek linger vividly in your mind, enticing you to contemplate your next adventurous journey with us! Safe travels!

Cost Details

  • What is Included
  • Airport Transfers - Car/Van/Bus/Jeep
  • Accommodation on B/B basis in Kathmandu and Pokhara
  • All entrance Fees of Temple, Monastery, Museum, Durbar Square, Monuments and cultural program at evening.
  • Arrangements and transportation expenses during the tour/treking
  • Arrangements and fees for trekking permits and national parks
  • Arrangements and expenses for Tour Guide/Trekking Guide
  • Insurance, Lodging and Fooding for all trekking staffs.
  • Arrangements of TIMS(Trekking information management system)Card.
  • What is Excluded
  • Any unexpected costs that occur due to Weather, Trail, Road Blockage, River conditions,
  • Due to circumstances such as: Sickness, Government action, flight delays,
  • Insurance and Emergency Rescue.
  • Major changes in the itinerary
  • Personal and free-time expenses
  • Cold drinks or alcohol
  • Extra hotel expenses
  • Laundry
  • Excess baggage charges
  • Airport taxes
  • Entry visas to Nepal
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    Fixed Departures Date & Price

    Trip Date Price Status Action
    July 28, 2024 -August 15, 2024 USD$ Available
    July 31, 2024 -August 18, 2024 USD$ Available

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    Useful Info

    Nar Phu Valley and Annapurna Circuit Trek:


    For Nar Phu Valley, a special restricted area permit is required. Additionally, the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers’ Information Management System (TIMS) card are mandatory for both Nar Phu Valley and Annapurna Circuit.
    Ensure that you obtain these permits through a registered trekking agency, and carry multiple copies along the trek.
    Trek Duration:

    The combined Nar Phu Valley and Annapurna Circuit trek typically takes around 20-25 days, covering both the remote Nar Phu region and the classic Annapurna Circuit.
    Best Time to Trek:

    The optimal trekking seasons are during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is stable, and the views are clear. Winter treks are possible but may encounter snow-covered trails, especially in higher altitudes.
    Altitude Considerations:

    The trek involves varying altitudes, with Thorong La Pass being the highest point at 5,416 meters (17,769 feet). Adequate acclimatization is crucial to prevent altitude sickness. Plan your itinerary with gradual ascents and rest days.

    Accommodation options range from teahouses to basic lodges. In Nar Phu Valley, facilities may be more basic compared to the Annapurna Circuit. Be prepared for shared facilities and simple amenities.
    Remote and Cultural Experience:

    Nar Phu Valley offers a unique and less-visited trekking experience. Explore traditional villages, encounter distinct cultures, and witness ancient monasteries, providing an off-the-beaten-path adventure.
    Side Trips:

    Consider side trips to Tilicho Lake, one of the highest lakes globally, and the serene Gangapurna Lake. These additions enhance the overall trekking experience.
    Guide and Porter:

    Hiring a knowledgeable guide is advisable, especially in Nar Phu Valley, where trails may be less marked. A porter can assist in carrying your load, allowing you to focus on the trek itself.
    Communication and Connectivity:

    Limited internet and phone connectivity in remote areas. Be prepared for sporadic network coverage and carry a local SIM card for emergency communication.
    Packing Essentials:

    Pack essentials like warm clothing, a good-quality sleeping bag, trekking poles, sturdy boots, and a comprehensive first aid kit. Weather conditions can vary, so pack accordingly.
    Health and Hygiene:

    Maintain good hygiene practices to avoid illnesses. Carry water purification tablets and stay hydrated. Be cautious about the food you consume, and always wash hands before meals.
    Emergency Evacuation:

    Familiarize yourself with emergency evacuation procedures and have insurance that covers evacuation in case of unforeseen circumstances.
    Responsible Trekking:

    Respect local customs and traditions. Carry out all waste, and avoid disturbing the natural environment. Contribute to the local economy by purchasing goods and services locally.
    Pre-Trek Training:

    Undertake physical conditioning before the trek, as it involves challenging terrains and long hours of walking. Cardiovascular exercises and strength training will enhance your trekking endurance.By considering these aspects, you can make the most of your Nar Phu Valley and Annapurna Circuit trek, ensuring a safe, enjoyable, and culturally enriching adventure in the heart of the Himalayas.

    Adventure Land Nepal Tours and Travels P. Ltd.

    Nepal Jang Treks and Expedition P. Ltd.

    With over 18 years of experience we are well known in tourism sector of Nepal for operating both group and individual tours and treks. We have been executing adventure travel and tour itineraries with no occasion of complaints regarding our services since the time of our inception.

    Contact Info

    • Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
    • +977-9841225155
    • +977-9841225155 (WhatsApp)
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