Langtang Valley Trek 9 days

Langtang Valley Trek 9 days

Start Point


End Point






Max Altitude






No. of Person

Min. 01 Pax


  • Less Crowd and off the beaten trail
  • Closest trek to the Kathmandu Valley
  • Experience Nepali – Tibetan community livelihood
  • The traditional village of Langtang has the most beautiful view
  • Visit different monasteries & a yak cheese factory
  • Trek through the stunning forests, alpine meadows, and yak pastures
  • View of snow-capped mountains such as Langtang Ri, Langtang, Langsisa and Ganjala Peak
  • Langtang Valley is a beautifully remote valley with high mountain lakes and deep gorges of the Bhote Koshi and Langtang Khola.
  • Local Tamang culture and lifestyles, a valley of glaciers, diverse flora and fauna including red panda, snow leopard, musk deer, bear, langur, etc., inside the Langtang National Park.

Langtang Valley Trek Overview

The Langtang Valley Trek is a popular trekking route in Nepal that offers stunning views of the Langtang Himalayas, including Langtang Lirung (7,245m), Dorje Lakpa (6,990m), and Langtang Ri (6,370m). The trek is also known for its diverse cultures, as it passes through both Tamang and Sherpa villages.

The trek begins in the town of Syabrubesi, which is about 7 hours drive from Kathmandu. From Syabrubesi, the trail climbs up to the Langtang Valley, which is home to a number of stunning villages and monasteries. The trail also passes through rhododendron forests, waterfalls, and glaciers.

The highest point on the trek is Kyanjin Gompa, which is a large Buddhist monastery that is situated at an altitude of 3,870m. Kyanjin Gompa is a popular stopover for trekkers, and it offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

From Kyanjin Gompa, trekkers can choose to ascend to the Tserko Ri viewpoint (5,000m), which offers panoramic views of the Langtang Valley and the surrounding mountains. The Tserko Ri viewpoint is a popular day hike from Kyanjin Gompa.

The Langtang Valley Trek is a moderate trek that can be completed in 5-7 days. However, trekkers can choose to extend the trek by adding on side trips to the Gosaikunda Lake Trek or the Helambu Valley Trek.

The Langtang Valley Trek is a great option for trekkers of all levels who are looking for a beautiful and challenging trek in Nepal. It is also a great option for trekkers who are interested in learning about the Tamang and Sherpa cultures.

Detail Itinerary

Your adventure begins upon your arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. A representative of Adventure Land Nepal will greet you at the airport and assist you with luggage and any immigration formalities.

Transfer to Hotel:

From the airport, you will be transferred to your hotel in the heart of Kathmandu. Here, you can check-in, freshen up, and unwind after your journey.

Briefing and Orientation:

In the evening, a representative from Adventure Land Nepal will join you at the hotel for a briefing and orientation. This session will provide an overview of the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek, including itinerary details, logistical arrangements, safety procedures, and cultural insights.

Preparation and Rest:

The evening is yours to relax, explore the surrounding area, or make any final preparations for your trek. A good night’s sleep is essential for the exciting days ahead.

Today, we embark on our journey to the Langtang region, leaving the bustling city of Kathmandu behind. A scenic bus ride awaits, offering breathtaking views of the countryside as we wind through picturesque villages and alongside cascading rivers. The journey takes approximately 7-8 hours, providing ample opportunity to relax, enjoy the scenery, and get to know your fellow trekkers.

Picturesque Drive:

As the bus winds its way through the foothills of the Himalayas, we are treated to a visual feast. Lush green valleys, cascading waterfalls, and traditional villages dot the landscape, offering a glimpse into the rural life of Nepal. The journey is a sensory experience, filled with the aroma of pine forests and the sounds of birdsong and rushing water.

Arrival in Syabrubesi:

Upon reaching Syabrubesi, our starting point for the trek, we check into a cozy lodge. The quaint village serves as a gateway to the Langtang National Park and offers a taste of the local Tamang culture.

Acclimatization and Relaxation:

The afternoon allows for acclimatization to the higher altitude and exploration of the village. We can wander through the streets, interact with the friendly locals, and soak in the tranquil atmosphere of Syabrubesi.

Today’s trek marks our official entrance into the Langtang National Park, as we pass through the village of Syabrubesi. If you haven’t already obtained your trekking permit, you can do so at the national park entrance. Syabrubesi also serves as the starting point for the popular Tamang Heritage Trail, offering an alternative route for those seeking a deeper cultural immersion.

Crossing the Bhote Koshi River:

Our journey begins with an exciting crossing over the Bhote Koshi River, utilizing a thrilling suspension bridge. The rushing waters and the surrounding mountains provide a breathtaking backdrop, setting the tone for the adventure ahead.

Scenic Trail and Langtang Khola:

The trail continues through a captivating landscape, offering a variety of terrains. We encounter flat stretches, gradual descents, and sections alongside the Langtang Khola, a tributary of the Bhote Koshi. Crossing this river adds a playful element to the trek, offering a refreshing break from the walking.

Passing Villages and Reaching Lama Hotel:

Our trek takes us past the charming villages of Mundu, Ghode Tabela, and Gumna Chowk, providing glimpses into the local Tamang culture and traditional way of life. We witness their houses, agricultural fields, and interact with the friendly villagers, enriching our understanding of the region.

Arrival and Overnight Stay:

Finally, we reach our destination for the day, the Lama Hotel. This comfortable lodge offers a welcoming atmosphere and delicious meals, providing the perfect place to relax and rehydrate after a day of trekking.

Today’s trek takes us deeper into the Langtang National Park and the heart of the Langtang Valley. We embark after an early breakfast, fueled by the anticipation of the breathtaking scenery and diverse wildlife that await us.

Ascending the Trail:

Leaving the Lama Hotel behind, we begin our ascent towards Langtang Valley. The trail winds through a captivating landscape, offering a variety of terrains. We encounter steep climbs alongside stunning waterfalls, adorned by vibrant prayer flags fluttering in the wind. Traditional water mills dot the path, adding a touch of local culture to the journey.

Forest of Pines and Flowers:

Our trek takes us through a dense forest of towering pine trees, their branches draped in vibrant flowers. The aroma of the pines and the colors of the flowers create a sensory feast, enriching our experience of the natural world.

Hills and Mountains:

As we ascend further, the landscape unfolds before us, revealing rolling hills and majestic mountains that pierce the sky. The panoramic views are breathtaking, leaving us in awe of the sheer scale and beauty of the Himalayas.

Reaching Langtang Valley:

Emerging from the forest, we enter the wide expanse of Langtang Valley. The lush meadows, surrounded by snow-capped peaks, create a picture-perfect setting that surpasses expectations.

Wildlife Encounters:

With attentiveness and a bit of luck, we may be fortunate enough to encounter some of the region’s diverse wildlife. Red pandas, yaks, Himalayan deer, and even bears are known to inhabit this valley, adding a touch of wilderness to our adventure.

Remembering the Earthquake:

We acknowledge the impact of the devastating 2015 earthquake that struck this region, causing significant destruction and loss of life. The village of Langtang was particularly affected, and only a few lodges have been rebuilt. We take a moment to reflect on the tragedy and the resilience of the local community as they rebuild their lives.

Contributing to Recovery:

By undertaking this trek, we are contributing to the recovery efforts of the Langtang region. Our presence supports local businesses and helps restore the tourism industry, which is vital for the livelihood of the community.

Today’s trek is dedicated to acclimatization and exploration within the heart of Langtang Valley. We embark on a short hike, allowing our bodies to adjust to the higher altitude while taking in the breathtaking scenery and local culture.

Gradual Ascent and Village Life:

The trail ascends gradually, offering a comfortable pace and stunning views of the surrounding landscape. We pass through tiny villages nestled amidst the mountains, observing the traditional way of life, including yak pastures, stone-built houses, and sacred chortens.

Mani Walls and Streams:

Our path leads us past an immense mani wall, a sacred structure adorned with countless prayer flags and mantras. The vibrant colors and spiritual significance of this landmark add a unique touch to our journey. Crossing several small streams and moraine fields, we experience the diverse terrain of the Langtang region.

Reaching Kyanjin Gompa:

We arrive at Kyanjin Gompa, a picturesque settlement surrounded by snow-capped peaks. The dramatic setting, with majestic mountains like Dorje Lakpa, Langtang Ri, and Langtang Lirung dominating the horizon, is truly awe-inspiring.

Acclimatization and Exploration:

The short hike allows ample time for our bodies to acclimatize to the higher altitude. We can spend the afternoon exploring the village, visiting the ancient Kyanjin Gompa monastery and the fascinating cheese factory.

Panoramic Views and Cultural Immersion:

The surrounding hills offer incredible vantage points for enjoying panoramic views of the Himalayas. We can soak in the beauty of the landscape, marveling at the glaciers, waterfalls, and lush meadows.

Relaxation and Reflection:

As the day comes to an end, we return to our comfortable teahouse accommodation. The evening provides a time for relaxation, enjoying delicious meals, and reflecting on the day’s experiences.

Today promises a truly unforgettable sunrise experience, followed by a scenic descent back to Lama Hotel.

Sunrise at Tserko Ri (5,000 m):

An early morning start is rewarded with breathtaking views from the summit of Tserko Ri (5,000 meters). Witnessing the sun rise over the majestic peaks of the Himalayas is a moment that will stay with you forever. The panoramic views of Langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa, Langtang Ri, and other surrounding mountains are simply awe-inspiring.

Descent to Lama Hotel:

After enjoying the sunrise spectacle, we descend back to Kyanjin Gompa for breakfast and prepare for our trek towards Lama Hotel. With the majority of the route downhill, the trek takes approximately 5-6 hours, offering a comfortable pace and allowing us to soak in the surrounding scenery.

Passing Ethnic Tamang Settlements:

Our path takes us through charming villages inhabited by the Tamang people. We have the opportunity to observe their traditional way of life, including their religious and social practices, which bear similarities to those of the Tibetan people. Interacting with the locals offers valuable insights into the cultural heritage of the Langtang region.

Reflecting on the Journey:

During the descent, we have ample time to reflect on the incredible experiences we have had during our trek in the Langtang Valley. The breathtaking scenery, the challenging climbs, and the encounters with local culture have enriched our understanding of the Himalayas and the people who call it home.

Arrival at Lama Hotel:

Reaching Lama Hotel, we are greeted with the familiar comfort of our accommodation. The evening provides a welcome respite to rest and recharge for the next leg of our journey.

The final day of our Langtang Gosaikunda Trek arrives, bringing mixed emotions of anticipation and closure. As we embark on the descent back to Syabrubesi, we retrace our steps through the stunning landscapes that have captivated us throughout the journey.

Bamboo and Rhododendron Forests:

The trail winds through lush bamboo and rhododendron forests, offering a vibrant farewell to the Langtang ecosystem. The sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a dappled effect on the forest floor, and the air is filled with the sweet fragrance of rhododendrons.

Final Moments in the Valley:

As we descend, we take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Langtang Valley one last time. The memories of breathtaking mountain vistas, quaint villages, and friendly encounters with local people flood back, leaving a lasting impression on our hearts.

Reaching Syabrubesi:

After approximately 4-5 hours of trekking, we reach Syabrubesi, marking the end of our Langtang adventure. The familiar surroundings of the village offer a sense of comfort and completion.

Farewell Dinner:

In the evening, we gather for a farewell dinner with our guide and porters. It’s a time to share stories, express gratitude, and celebrate the successful completion of the trek. We reminisce about the challenges overcome, the camaraderie shared, and the unforgettable experiences that have enriched our lives.

As the sun rises over the Langtang Valley, we wake up with a bittersweet feeling. Today marks the final day of our adventure, but also the beginning of our cultural immersion in Kathmandu.

Scenic Drive Back to Kathmandu:

After a delicious breakfast, we bid farewell to Syabrubesi and embark on a scenic drive back to Kathmandu. The journey offers breathtaking views of the Langtang Valley, allowing us to take in the beauty of the region for one last time. We reminisce about the challenges we have overcome and the memories we have made, cherishing the experience that has enriched our lives.

Exploring Thamel and Local Markets:

Upon arrival in Kathmandu, we have the opportunity to explore the vibrant streets of Thamel. This bustling tourist hub offers a unique blend of shops, restaurants, and cultural experiences. We can wander through the labyrinthine alleys, bargain for souvenirs, and immerse ourselves in the local atmosphere.

Cultural Dinner and Farewell:

In the evening, we can join a cultural dinner for a delicious Nepali feast accompanied by traditional music and dance performances. This immersive experience offers a deeper understanding of Nepalese culture and a fitting finale to our adventure.

Today marks the end of our adventure in Nepal. After a final breakfast in Kathmandu, our tour representative will ensure a smooth departure by accompanying you to Tribhuvan International Airport.

Bidding Farewell to Nepal:

As we depart from Kathmandu, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible experiences we have had during our stay. From the breathtaking landscapes of the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek to the vibrant culture of Kathmandu, Nepal has left a lasting impression on our hearts and minds.

Memories and Gratitude:

We carry with us the memories of towering peaks, serene lakes, charming villages, and the warm hospitality of the Nepali people. We are grateful for the opportunity to explore this beautiful country and participate in such a rewarding adventure.

Cost Details

  • What is Included
  • Airport Transfer - to and from by private vehicle
  • Accommodation with Breakfast in Kathmandu
  • Kathmandu to Syabrubesi both way transportation by Private Vehicle
  • All necessary paper works. (National Park Entry Permits and TIMS Card)
  • Accommodation, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner during the trekking
  • Trekking Guide and his insurance, Salary, all meals
  • All government and local taxes.
  • Service charge.
  • What is Excluded
  • Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu
  • International flight ticket.
  • Travel health insurance. (Recommended)
  • Kathmandu sightseeing entrance fee.
  • Sweet things like dessert/chocolate.
  • All alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Tips for the guide, porter and driver.
Quick Inquiry

    Fixed Departures Date & Price

    Trip Date Price Status Action
    July 28, 2024 -August 05, 2024 USD$ Available
    July 31, 2024 -August 08, 2024 USD$ Available

    Useful Info


    The Langtang Valley Trek is feasible throughout the year, but the optimal periods are during autumn (September to November) and spring (February to May). Autumn promises clear mountain views, blue skies, and pleasant weather. In spring, the alpine slopes of Langtang Valley bloom with vibrant rhododendrons.

    Nepal’s monsoon from June to August brings heat and heavy rainfall, creating a mysterious fog-bound atmosphere. Winter trekking is possible, but deep snow may close high mountain passes. Consider the lower-altitude Helambu Circuit Trek or Tamang Heritage Trail in winter.

    Count on Alpine Ramble Treks to create an exceptional trekking itinerary regardless of the season.


    All meals are provided during the trek, including three selective meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and two breakfasts in Kathmandu. Breakfast and dinner at tea houses feature a variety of authentic options, such as Tibetan Breads, Chapati with Cheese, Oatmeal, French toast, Corn Flakes, Hashed brown, eggs, pancakes, porridge, Muesli, and hot drinks.

    Lunch options include Thukpa, Dahl and Bhat, Momos, Tibetan bread, Macaroni, Spaghetti, Sherpa Stew, soups, steaks, potatoes, sandwiches, Pizza, rice with curry, spring rolls, burgers, and desserts. Desserts, tea, coffee, and other beverages are also available.

    Note: Fresh and healthy meals, excluding meats, are prepared by mountain locals. We recommend avoiding meat, alcoholic drinks, and smoking.


    The guided Langtang trek includes food, accommodation, transportation, and permits for Langtang National Park. The trek starts with a scenic drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi, ensuring accessibility.


    Mandatory travel insurance provides security and covers emergency helicopter rescue, medical evacuation, personal injury, repatriation expenses, and illness. Comprehensive coverage guarantees peace of mind during the Langtang Valley trek.


    Prepare for a successful Himalayan trek with essential gear:

    • Thermal tops
    • Fleece jacket
    • Waterproof shell jacket
    • Down jacket (provided if needed)
    • Fleece or wool trousers
    • Trekking pants
    • Mittens or gloves
    • Warm hiking socks
    • Trekking shoes
    • Flip flops
    • Underwear and swimming costume
    • Cotton trousers/t-shirts
    • Sun hat or scarf
    • Sunglasses
    • Sleeping bag (provided if needed)
    • Trekking poles
    • Day bag (40 L)
    • Headlamp
    • Small lock
    • Reusable water bottles
    • Water purification tablets
    • Wash towel
    • Toiletries
    • Rain poncho
    • Basic first aid kit


    Eric Dombrowski

    Eric Dombrowski - USA

    Langtang Valley Trek was a great experiences

    Our group of experienced trekkers, predominantly mature-aged, opted for a customized Langtang trek, spanning 12 days (with 10 days of trekking). Departing from the standard itinerary, we included shorter daily stages and enjoyed a luxurious three-night stay at Kyanjin Gompa. The trek surpassed all expectations.

    Despite it being my ninth trek in Nepal, it was my first with Adventure Land Nepal. Their pre-trek arrangements, expertly coordinated by Chij, left nothing to be desired. Once on the trek, we were led by Jivan and his exceptional team. Their professionalism, attentiveness, and expertise ensured a seamless journey.

    Adventure Land Nepal comes highly recommended by all ten members of our trekking group. Their dedication to providing unforgettable experiences in the Himalayas is truly commendable.

    Denis Gascon

    Denis Gascon - Canada

    Saw Langtang Ri Himaj

    I recently completed the Langtang Valley trek starting on February 23rd, 2024. The scenery was absolutely stunning, providing ample opportunities for photography, and I encountered many friendly locals along the way. The guides were incredibly helpful and resourceful, and the air at higher altitudes was truly invigorating.

    My guide, KB, was exceptional. Despite encountering challenges due to a recurring ankle injury from 2016, he motivated me to push through. He graciously carried my bags, showed patience as we walked at a slower pace, and allowed for multiple rest stops. His knowledge of the area was extensive, ensuring we navigated closed paths and open trails according to the season.

    I am immensely grateful to Bishnu for his unwavering support during the Langtang Valley trek. Thanks to his encouragement and assistance, I was able to enjoy breathtaking views and create unforgettable memories. A special thank you to Chij for facilitating this remarkable experience.

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    Adventure Land Nepal Tours and Travels P. Ltd.

    Nepal Jang Treks and Expedition P. Ltd.

    With over 18 years of experience we are well known in tourism sector of Nepal for operating both group and individual tours and treks. We have been executing adventure travel and tour itineraries with no occasion of complaints regarding our services since the time of our inception.

    Contact Info

    • Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
    • +977-9841225155
    • +977-9841225155 (WhatsApp)
    Inquiry Now