Tilicho Lake with Annapurna Circuit Trek 17 days

Tilicho Lake with Annapurna Circuit Trek 17 days

Start Point


End Point






Max Altitude

5216 meters





No. of Person

Min. 01 Pax


  • Tilicho Lake’s Altitude: Explore Tilicho Lake, one of the highest lakes globally, situated at an altitude of around 4,919 meters (16,138 feet), offering breathtaking views of surrounding snow-capped peaks.
  • Scenic Landscapes: Traverse diverse landscapes, from lush sub-tropical forests to high-altitude deserts, experiencing the rich variety of Nepal’s terrain.
  • Cultural Immersion: Encounter traditional villages along the way, inhabited by Gurung, Thakali, and other ethnic groups, providing opportunities to immerse yourself in local cultures and witness unique customs.
  • Annapurna Massif: Witness the grandeur of the Annapurna massif, a stunning mountain range that forms a spectacular backdrop throughout the trek.
  • Thorong La Pass: Challenge yourself with the ascent to Thorong La Pass, standing at an elevation of about 5,416 meters (17,769 feet), and revel in the breathtaking panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges.
  • Unique Architecture: Explore villages like Manang, known for its distinctive architecture and Tibetan-influenced culture, providing a glimpse into the region’s rich heritage.
  • Sacred Sites: Visit Muktinath, a sacred site revered by both Hindus and Buddhists, adding a spiritual dimension to your trek.Tilicho Base Camp: Conquer the challenging climb to Tilicho Base Camp, a crucial stage before reaching the pristine Tilicho Lake itself.
  • Cultural Experiences: Engage with the diverse ethnic communities along the route, fostering a deeper understanding of local traditions and ways of life.
  • Unforgettable Memories: Collect memories that will last a lifetime as you trek through some of the world’s most stunning landscapes, creating a tapestry of experiences that will linger in your heart and mind.

Tilicho Lake with Annapurna Circuit Overview

Tilicho Lake with Annapurna Circuit Trek, situated in the Annapurna region of Nepal, stands as one of the highest lakes globally, perched at an elevation of approximately 4,919 meters (16,138 feet). Encircled by awe-inspiring snow-capped peaks like Annapurna II and Gangapurna, the lake forms a breathtaking and picturesque landscape. Renowned for its remoteness, the trek to Tilicho Lake promises an adventurous journey for trekkers.

Commencing typically from either Besisahar or Chame, both accessible by road from Kathmandu, the trek unveils a diverse terrain encompassing lush forests, terraced fields, and high mountain valleys. The ascent introduces trekkers to various villages inhabited by diverse ethnic groups, providing an immersive experience in local culture and traditions.

The trail gradually leads to the challenging climb to Tilicho Base Camp, acting as a gateway to the lake itself. Due to the demanding high altitude and unpredictable weather conditions, physical preparation and acclimatization become crucial for a successful trek.

Annapurna Circuit Trek:

Renowned as one of Nepal’s most diverse trekking routes, the Annapurna Circuit Trek explores a spectrum of landscapes, from lush sub-tropical forests to high-altitude deserts, all while encircling the majestic Annapurna massif.

Typically commencing from Besisahar or Bhulbhule, the trek ascends through various climatic zones. Along the way, trekkers encounter traditional villages inhabited by Gurung, Thakali, and other ethnic groups, offering a glimpse into local lifestyles and cultural richness.

Noteworthy stops include Manang, celebrated for its unique architecture and Tibetan-influenced culture. The journey culminates in crossing the challenging Thorong La Pass, standing at an elevation of approximately 5,416 meters (17,769 feet), providing panoramic views of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri ranges.

Descending from the pass leads to Muktinath, a sacred site for both Hindus and Buddhists. The trail then winds its way to Jomsom and eventually concludes in Nayapul.

Both the Tilicho Lake trek and the Annapurna Circuit trek offer trekkers a memorable and enriching experience, facilitating a connection with nature, exposure to local cultures, and the chance to witness some of the world’s most spectacular mountain scenery. Nevertheless, trekking at high altitudes demands physical preparedness, including acclimatization and proper gear. Engaging a knowledgeable guide and obtaining necessary permits are recommended for a safe and enjoyable trekking experience.

Detail Itinerary

Upon arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport, Adventure Land Nepal staff will warmly welcome you and transport you to your hotel. Get ready for a pre-trek briefing covering all the essentials, do’s and don’ts, ensuring a safe and comfortable adventure.

Adventure Land Nepal makes your arrival in Nepal seamless! Their dedicated staff will be waiting for you at Tribhuvan International Airport, ready to escort you to your hotel. Rest assured, your safety and comfort are their top priority, and a comprehensive pre-trek briefing will equip you with everything you need to know for a successful adventure.

Gear up for an epic journey – today, you’ll be trading city comforts for the raw beauty of the Nepali countryside! Buckle up for an 8-hour drive in a private vehicle, winding through the spectacular landscapes that lead to Besisahar. Witness firsthand how resilient local communities thrive in this rugged, remote region – every turn promises breathtaking vistas and insights into their unique way of life.

Our destination? The charming village of Jagat, where cozy guesthouses await with open arms. After settling in, savor the warmth of local hospitality over delicious meals – breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all included. This is a day to soak in the serenity of the mountains, the rhythmic hum of daily life, and the humbling resilience of the Nepali spirit.

So, grab your camera, embrace the bumpy ride, and get ready to unlock the secrets of Besisahar and Jagat. Each twist of the road, each weathered face, each glimpse of rural life promises an unforgettable story waiting to be discovered.

Today’s trek is a harmonious blend of pristine wilderness and cultivated beauty. Bid farewell to Chame and step into a vibrant symphony of nature. Lush rhododendron, pine, and bamboo forests will embrace you as you follow the valley trail, sunlight dappling through the dense foliage. Immerse yourself in the scent of damp earth and the sweet melody of birdsong.

As you emerge from the forested embrace, the charming village of Tal will greet you with a patchwork of cultivated farm plots, where wheat, potatoes, and other grains sway gently in the breeze. Breathe in the fresh air, tinged with the earthy fragrance of harvest, and admire the resilience of human life flourishing in this rugged landscape.

Leaving Tal behind, we meander through Dharapani before taking a westerly turn. Fir and pine forests, fragrant and cool, will once again provide your soundtrack. Keep your eyes peeled for playful monkeys swinging through the branches and colorful birds flitting between the leaves.

Finally, after about 7 hours of exhilarating exploration, you’ll reach your haven for the night – the quaint village of Bagarchhap. Nestled amidst the pines, it promises a restful sleep and a warm welcome. Savor a delicious dinner – your reward for conquering the day’s adventure.

Tonight, as you drift off to sleep, let the echoes of the wild symphony – the rustle of leaves, the whisper of the wind, the distant gurgling of a stream – lull you into a peaceful slumber. Dreams of verdant forests and charming villages await, ready to fuel your excitement for tomorrow’s journey.

Leaving Bagarchhap’s quaint embrace, today’s trek promises a crescendo of mountain majesty. We set off for the charming village of Danaque, its traditional houses basking in the morning sun. As we ascend, the landscape transforms, trading verdant forests for rugged slopes that offer breathtaking panoramas.

Prepare to be awestruck! Towering peaks, their snow-capped summits glistening in the sunlight, pierce the sky. Gaze upon the mighty Manaslu (8163m), its majesty dominating the horizon. Annapurna and other Himalayan giants rise like sentinels, guarding the valleys below.

Our path weaves through several Tibetan villages, each a window into a vibrant culture. In Thanchowk, witness colorful prayer flags fluttering in the breeze, their vibrant hues contrasting with the weathered stone houses. Koto, another charming village, welcomes us with the sounds of yak bells and friendly smiles.

As the day unfolds, the anticipation builds. Finally, Chame emerges from the valley, its whitewashed houses and bustling streets beckoning us in. After approximately 6-7 hours of trekking through a tapestry of landscapes and cultures, we’ve reached our destination for the night.

Chame offers a well-deserved rest and the chance to soak in the day’s experiences. Reflect on the awe-inspiring mountains, the unique villages, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with navigating this rugged terrain. Savor a delicious dinner, a reward for your efforts, and drift off to sleep with the memories of this incredible day dancing in your head.

Brace yourself for a day of soaring panoramas and captivating beauty as you leave Chame behind and embark on the journey to Pisang. The trail begins with a gentle stroll through Telekhu, a quaint village adorned with traditional stone houses and vibrant prayer flags. As you ascend, the landscape transforms into a feast for the senses.

Prepare to be dazzled by breathtaking views of Annapurna, its majestic peaks piercing the clouds like celestial arrows. Witness the stunning Pisang (6091m) rise in the distance, its icy crown glittering under the sun’s gaze. Capture these awe-inspiring panoramas in your memory and camera, for they are treasures to behold.

The path snakes along the north bank of the Marsyangdi River, its turquoise waters gushing with the energy of mountain meltwater. Then comes the heart-stopping moment: crossing a suspension bridge back to the south bank. Feel the wind rustle through your hair and gaze down at the churning river below as you conquer your fear and embrace the exhilaration of the moment.

After crossing the river, the trail ascends through a tranquil pine forest, the scent of pine needles filling your senses. Enjoy the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches and listen to the symphony of birdsong echoing through the trees. This serene journey through the upper Manang Valley serves as a prelude to the grand finale – Pisang.

Finally, after approximately 7 hours of trekking through diverse landscapes and captivating scenery, you arrive at your destination: the charming village of Pisang. Nestled amidst snow-capped peaks and verdant meadows, Pisang offers a warm welcome and a well-deserved rest. Tonight, savor a delicious dinner, reminisce about the day’s triumphs, and drift off to sleep with the echoes of the mountains lulling you into a peaceful slumber.

Leaving the charm of Pisang behind, today’s trek embarks on a journey into the heart of the upper Manang region, culminating in the architectural marvel of Braga. Prepare for a challenging yet rewarding day, filled with breathtaking scenery and cultural immersion.

The trail winds through a tapestry of landscapes, from meadows adorned with wildflowers to rugged canyons carved by the Marsyangdi River. Keep your eyes peeled for marmots sunning themselves on rocks and yaks grazing peacefully on the slopes. As you ascend, the air thins, and the anticipation builds, leading you towards the crown jewel of the day – Braga.

Nestled amidst snow-capped peaks, Braga emerges like a scene from a fairytale. This Tibetan village boasts a unique architectural style, with houses built one upon the other, clinging to the mountainside like a whimsical staircase. Wander through the narrow alleys, soak in the vibrant prayer flags dancing in the wind, and feel the palpable sense of tradition that permeates the atmosphere.

The highlight of Braga is undoubtedly its Gompa, the largest and most revered in the Manang region. Step inside and be transported to a world of gilded statues, colorful murals, and the hypnotic chants of monks. Soak in the serene atmosphere, marvel at the intricate artwork, and experience the profound spirituality that emanates from this sacred space.

After a day of conquering both physical and cultural heights, Braga welcomes you with open arms. Settle into your cozy accommodation, savor a delicious meal, and share stories with fellow travelers as the day’s experiences resonate within you. Remember, Braga is not just a destination; it’s a chance to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and traditions of the Manang people.

This is also a crucial acclimatization stop before venturing to higher altitudes. So, take your time, explore the village, and let your body adjust to the thinner air. The rewards, both in terms of scenery and cultural richness, are more than worth the effort.

Today, we take a crucial step towards our Himalayan summit – acclimatization. While the allure of high peaks beckons, medical professionals remind us that proper adjustment to thinner air is paramount for a safe and enjoyable journey. Today’s adventure to Khangsar (3756m) is more than just a scenic climb; it’s a deliberate investment in our well-being, paving the way for future triumphs.

So, lace up your boots and embrace the invigorating ascent. Leave Manang’s bustling streets behind and step onto a trail adorned with wildflowers and prayer flags fluttering in the crisp mountain air. As you climb, feel the exhilaration of pushing your limits, but listen to your body. Take regular breaks, hydrate, and savor the breathtaking panoramas that unfold with each turn.

Reaching Khangsar isn’t just about the altitude; it’s about the perspective. From this vantage point, witness the majestic Annapurna massif and glaciers cascading down snow-capped peaks. This panorama is a visual reward for your efforts, a reminder of the beauty that rewards those who respect the mountains’ power.

Tonight, we return to Manang, not just as trekkers, but as mountaineers in the making. Our bodies, having embraced the thinner air, are better equipped for future challenges. Remember, staying active during acclimatization is key. Explore the vibrant village of Manang, visit its bustling marketplace, and soak in the warm hospitality of the local people.

Bid farewell to the bustling hub of Manang and lace up your boots for a day of invigorating ascent on the path to Siri Kharka. Today’s trek is a symphony of physical challenge and breathtaking rewards, demanding your resolve yet promising panoramas that will etch themselves onto your memory.

For approximately 4-5 hours, the trail winds through diverse landscapes, testing your endurance with each step. Embrace the rhythmic thump of your boots on the ground, the crisp mountain air filling your lungs, and the sense of accomplishment as you conquer each incline. Along the way, a quaint religious village offers a glimpse into the spiritual life of the region, a chance to pause and reflect on the journey thus far.

But the true treasure awaits as you push your limits and reach higher altitudes. Siri Kharka emerges from the mountain embrace, a haven at the foot of Gungang Himal and the mighty Mt. Chulu. Here, the landscape transforms into a canvas of breathtaking beauty.

Towers of ice and rock pierce the azure skies, their snow-capped peaks glistening like celestial jewels. Jagged ridges carve paths through emerald valleys, and the wind whispers tales of ancient glaciers. These panoramas are more than just scenery; they are a testament to the power of nature, a reward for your unwavering spirit.

Tonight, nestled in the comfort of your guesthouse in Siri Kharka, savor the warmth of a local meal and let the day’s experiences wash over you. The memories of the strenuous climb, the invigorating air, and the breathtaking vistas will fuel your excitement for the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.

Today’s trek offers a different kind of challenge – a dance between serenity and vigilance. While the physical demands may ease, the terrain demands respect and awareness. We embark on a 5-6 hour journey towards Tilicho Base Camp, navigating a gravelly path nestled amidst awe-inspiring beauty.

Embrace the shift in pace. Let your lungs fill with the crisp mountain air as you traverse open valleys and rocky slopes. Listen to the symphony of nature – the gurgling of glacial streams, the chirping of mountain birds, and the wind whispering through prayer flags. This is a day to soak in the pristine beauty of the Himalayas, allowing the worries of the world to melt away like snow beneath the warm sun.

However, amidst the tranquility, vigilance remains paramount. The gravelly path requires focused strides to avoid slips, and the potential for avalanches demands a healthy dose of respect. Listen to your guides, be aware of your surroundings, and prioritize safety without diminishing your wonder.

Reaching Tilicho Base Camp feels like stepping into a postcard. Nestled amidst towering peaks that reflect in the still waters of glacial lakes, it’s a haven of serenity with a breathtaking backdrop. Tonight, as you settle into your guesthouse, let the day’s experiences unfold in your mind. The contrasting emotions of physical ease and heightened awareness, the breathtaking beauty against the backdrop of cautious respect, all weave together to create a unique and unforgettable tapestry.

Today’s adventure takes us on a pilgrimage to a jewel nestled amongst the Himalayan crowns, Tilicho Lake. Prepare for a 5-6 hour climb that tests your resolve but rewards you with a spectacle that will forever stain your memory. As the trail ascends, the air thins, and your heart beats with the rhythm of anticipation.

Along the way, keep your eyes peeled for the graceful dance of yaks grazing on the slopes and the shy glimpses of deer flitting through the rocks. These encounters remind you of the vibrant life that thrives even in the most challenging environments.

But the true marvel awaits at the end of the climb. As you crest a final ridge, Tilicho Lake unfolds before you like a splash of azure ink on a celestial canvas. Sunlight dances on its surface, transforming its hue through a spectrum of blues, from the gentlest sky to the deepest sapphire. Surrounding peaks, clad in snow and ice, stand guard, reflecting their majesty in the still waters.

Take your time to absorb the scene. Let the silence embrace you, broken only by the whisper of the wind and the gurgling of glacial streams. Capture the colors, the grandeur, the sheer tranquility of this hidden paradise. This is a moment to lose yourself in the wonders of nature, a memory that will linger long after you leave.

But just as the ascent demands effort, the journey back to Siri Kharka requires respect for the terrain. Descend with care, savoring the changing perspectives and the feeling of accomplishment that washes over you with each step.

Tonight, back in the familiar comfort of Siri Kharka, share stories with your fellow adventurers, relive the magic of Tilicho Lake, and let the day’s experiences lull you into a peaceful slumber.

Today’s trek marks a shift in rhythm, a graceful descent from the realm of snow-capped peaks and glacial lakes to the verdant embrace of the valley below. Bid farewell to the majestic solitude of Khangsar Village and set your sights on the charming hamlet of Yak Kharka, your destination for the night.

The journey unfolds like a tapestry woven with diverse landscapes. As you begin your descent, the trail passes through Tare Gumba (3870m), a renowned monastery perched amidst the mountains. Take a moment to soak in the serenity of this spiritual haven, a final whisper of the high altitude magic you’ve experienced.

Leaving the monastery behind, you’ll find yourself embraced by the Thorong Khola Valley. Imagine the landscape transforming – snow-clad peaks receding, replaced by verdant slopes and the gurgling melody of a glacier-fed river. Breathe in the fresh air, tinged with the earthy scent of wildflowers and pine trees, a welcome contrast to the thin air of the higher reaches.

Along the way, encounter the intriguing ruins of Old Khangsar, an abandoned village that whispers tales of a bygone era. Let your imagination paint pictures of life in this remote mountain settlement, and appreciate the resilience of those who called it home.

Finally, after approximately 5-6 hours of trekking, Yak Kharka welcomes you with open arms. Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush meadows, this quaint village offers a sense of tranquility and well-deserved rest. Settle into your cozy guesthouse, savor a delicious meal, and share stories with your fellow adventurers as the day’s experiences come alive in your mind.

Today’s trek takes us on a journey of both physical and mythical ascent, as we climb towards the iconic Thorong La pass. We trade the tranquility of Yak Kharka for the rugged beauty of the Jarang Khola Valley, following its eastern bank with each step a whispered acclimatization to the thinning air.

Prepare for awe-inspiring panoramas. Imagine steep bluffs rising like sentinels on either side of the trail, adorned with the vibrant hues of wildflowers clinging to life against the stark rock face. Every turn promises a new postcard-worthy vista, a reminder of the grandeur that envelops this Himalayan realm.

Thorong Phedi, meaning “foothills,” beckons as our destination for the night. This quaint village nestled at 4450 meters offers a well-deserved rest after the day’s ascent. But for the adventurous spirits, a further climb to High Camp (4800m) awaits, a chance to truly test their limits and embrace the thin air of the high mountains.

As your eyes adjust to the rarefied atmosphere, be sure to scan the rugged slopes for a glimpse of the elusive blue sheep, their sapphire coats camouflaged against the rocky terrain. With a stroke of luck, you might even encounter the majestic snow leopard, its ghostly presence a mesmerizing whisper in the mountain wind.

Look to the skies, and you might witness the graceful dance of the Lammergeyer, the bearded vulture, its wingspan stretching wide as it patrols the mountain air. Some even whisper of griffons, the mythical creatures of legend, said to dwell in these very peaks.

Whether you choose Thorong Phedi or push on to High Camp, tonight, under the star-studded canopy of the Himalayas, savor the thrill of reaching new heights. Let the silence wash over you, broken only by the whisper of the wind and the rhythm of your own heart. This is a night to feel your connection to the mountains, a night where nature paints stories on the canvas of the sky.

Today’s adventure is the Everest of this trek – ascending the legendary Thorong La Pass, a test of both physical strength and mental resolve. Prepare for a 7-8 hour journey where thin air and occasional winds become companions, but so do breathtaking vistas and a sense of accomplishment that will forever etch itself in your memory.

The trail winds upwards, a symphony of nature playing against the backdrop of your own determined steps. Look around and witness the rugged beauty unfold – sheep and yaks dotting the hillsides, the hardy figures of merchants carrying their wares, and the air thrumming with a sense of ancient pilgrimage.

As you climb, the air thins, and each breath becomes a conscious victory. Feel the exhilaration of pushing your limits, but listen to your body and embrace the slow, steady rhythm of ascent. Take solace in the support of your fellow adventurers, in the shared goal that draws you ever closer to the summit.

And then, it happens. You ascend the final ridge, and Thorong La Pass welcomes you with open arms. At 5416 meters, the world stretches out before you like a celestial tapestry. The majestic Annapurna range, Gangapurna’s icy crown, and the eye-catching Khatungkang peak pierce the clear blue sky, leaving you breathless with awe.

This isn’t just a geographical summit; it’s a personal triumph, a testament to your perseverance and grit. Savor the moment, capture the panorama in your mind, and let the wind carry your cheers of victory across the mountain valleys.

But the journey isn’t over. Descending towards Muktinath, the landscape transforms again. The trail undulates, offering a welcome respite from the climb, and breathtaking views of Dhaulagiri, the “White Mountain”, the highest peak entirely within Nepal, come into focus.

Finally, after approximately 10 hours of trekking, Muktinath welcomes you with open arms. This charming village, steeped in religious significance, offers a warm haven to weary adventurers. Tonight, as you settle into your lodging, let the day’s experiences unfold within you. Feel the ache in your muscles, the tingle of exhilaration in your soul, and the profound sense of accomplishment that washes over you like a warm monsoon rain.

Today’s trek marks a transition, a descent from the spiritual heights of Muktinath to the bustling valley of Jomson. Prepare for a 6-7 hour journey that unfolds like a storybook, contrasting the stark beauty of high Tibetan landscapes with the verdant splendor of hidden valleys.

As you leave Muktinath behind, the air softens, and the landscape transforms. Lush meadows unfurl beneath your feet, adorned with fruit trees laden with ripe plums and apricots. Crystal-clear streams, fed by mountain glaciers, gurgle alongside the trail, their melody a joyful accompaniment to your steps.

Take a moment to appreciate the resilience of life at these altitudes. Witness the farmers tending their terraced fields, coaxing life from the thin mountain soil. Observe the yak caravans lumbering along the trail, their presence a reminder of the ancient trade routes that have crisscrossed these mountains for centuries.

And then, Kagbeni appears like a mirage in the valley. This charming village boasts a well-deserved reputation for its horticulture industry. Fruit orchards paint vibrant splashes of color against the ochre landscape, their sweet scent mingling with the aroma of freshly baked bread from traditional stone ovens.

Spend some time exploring Kagbeni’s narrow alleys, lined with houses built in the traditional Tibetan style. Discover hidden squares adorned with prayer flags fluttering in the wind, and peek into local workshops where skilled artisans carve intricate wooden masks and prayer wheels.

Finally, the trail leads you down to Jomson, nestled in the heart of the Kali Gandaki Valley. This bustling town, once a mere transit point, has developed into a hub for trekkers and adventurers. Relax in a cozy guesthouse, share stories with fellow travelers, and savor a delicious meal amidst the vibrant energy of Jomson.

Tonight, as you reflect on the day’s journey, appreciate the contrasting beauty you’ve witnessed. From the stark, spiritual heights of Muktinath to the verdant valleys and ancient echoes of Kagbeni, each step has been a brushstroke on the canvas of your Himalayan adventure.

Today marks the bittersweet finale of your Annapurna Circuit adventure. Bid farewell to the bustling streets of Jomson and head towards the small airport terminal, anticipation tingling in the air. A short 15-20 minute flight awaits, a final aerial waltz with the majestic Himalayas.

Get ready for a breathtaking farewell. Buckle up as your plane pierces the clouds, and the snow-capped peaks of Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, and Manaslu emerge like celestial giants. Witness the intricate folds of glaciers cascading down rocky slopes, and savor the emerald valleys cradled in the mountain embrace. This aerial serenade is your final reward, a visual tapestry woven with the memories of your trek.

Landing in Pokhara feels like stepping into a different world. Breathe in the warm lake air, a stark contrast to the thin air of the mountains. Tonight, savor your triumph. Celebrate your journey with a well-deserved meal and perhaps a celebratory drink or two. Share stories with your fellow adventurers, relive the challenges and triumphs, and let the laughter echo through the bustling streets.

But Pokhara beckons you with its own charms. Stroll along the serene shores of Phewa Tal, the ‘Lake of Dreams,’ and let the gentle ripples massage your weary feet. Climb the steps to the World Peace Pagoda, a beacon of serenity overlooking the shimmering water. Seek solace in the ancient Bindabasini Temple, or discover the Buddhist wisdom of Matepani Monastery.

For the curious adventurers, the International Mountain Museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of mountaineering. And if you seek a final adrenaline rush, let Devi’s Falls plunge you into a refreshing shower of power and beauty.

Tonight, as you rest your head beneath the star-studded Pokhara sky, let the memories of your trek wash over you. From the challenging climbs to the breathtaking vistas, the cultural encounters to the quiet moments of introspection, you’ve conquered mountains both literal and metaphorical. You’ve returned from the Annapurna Conservation Area transformed, carrying a souvenir far more precious than any trinket – the indomitable spirit of adventure.

So, adventurer, raise a toast to your journey, to the mountains that tested you, and to the landscapes that captivated you. Your Annapurna Circuit trek may be over, but the echoes of its majesty will forever resonate within you.

I hope this description provides a satisfying conclusion to your Annapurna Circuit trek blog or journal entry. Remember, you can always personalize it further by adding specific details from your own experience, such as a memorable encounter with a local, a particularly challenging section of the trail, or a funny story shared with your fellow adventurers. May your memories of the Himalayas remain vivid and your spirit of adventure, ever ignited.

Today, we embark on a return journey, a 6 to 7-hour drive to Kathmandu, carrying with us cherished memories of Nepal and its distinctive culture and geography. These moments are etched in our hearts and will be treasured for a lifetime!

The team at Adventure Land Nepal will assist you with the transfer to the airport for your departure from Nepal. We sincerely hope that the memories of this epic trek linger vividly in your mind, enticing you to contemplate your next adventurous journey with us! Safe travels!

Cost Details

  • What is Included
  • Airport Transfers - Car/Van/Bus/Jeep
  • Accommodation on B/B basis in Kathmandu and Pokhara.
  • All entrance Fees of Temple, Monastery, Museum, Durbar Square, Monuments and cultural program at evening.
  • Arrangements and transportation expenses during the tour/trekking
  • Arrangements and fees for trekking permits and ACAP Permit
  • Arrangements and expenses for Tour Guide/Trekking Guide
  • Insurance, Lodging and Fooding for all trekking staffs.
  • Arrangements of TIMS(Trekking information management system)Card.
  • Flight Tickets - Jomsom to Pokhara and Pokhara to Kathmandu
  • What is Excluded
  • Any unexpected costs that occur due to:
  • Weather, Trail, Road Blockage, River conditions,
  • Due to circumstances such as:
  • Sickness, Government action, flight delays,
  • Insurance and Emergency Rescue.
  • Major changes in the itinerary
  • Personal and free-time expenses
  • Cold drinks or alcohol
  • Extra hotel expenses
  • Laundry
  • Excess baggage charges
  • Airport taxes
  • Entry visas to Nepal
Quick Inquiry

    Fixed Departures Date & Price

    Trip Date Price Status Action
    July 28, 2024 -August 13, 2024 USD$ Available
    July 31, 2024 -August 16, 2024 USD$ Available

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    Useful Info

    This challenging 17-20 day trek combines the classic Annapurna Circuit with a side trip to the stunning Tilicho Lake, the highest lake in the world accessible by foot.
    Expect breathtaking scenery, diverse landscapes, and cultural encounters in remote villages.
    The trek demands good physical fitness and proper acclimatization due to high altitudes (up to 5416m at Thorong La Pass).

    Moderate-Strenuous: Long daily hikes (5-8 hours), steep climbs and descents, thin air at high altitudes.
    Prior trekking experience and good overall fitness are recommended.

    Spring (March-May) and Autumn (September-November) offer the best weather conditions, clear skies, and comfortable temperatures.
    Monsoon (June-August) is challenging due to rain and slippery trails. Winter (December-February) is extremely cold and the pass may be closed due to snow.
    Permits and Regulations:

    Trekkers need an ACAP (Annapurna Conservation Area Project) permit and TIMS (Trekkers’ Information Management System) card.
    Some sections require additional permits, like for Tilicho Lake and Manang Valley.
    Check current regulations and fees before you travel.

    Guesthouses and basic lodges are available along the trail.
    Booking in advance is recommended during peak season.
    Camping is possible in some areas, but requires proper equipment and permits.

    Fly to Kathmandu and then take a bus or local flight to Pokhara.
    Public transportation or jeep can be used to reach Besisahar, the starting point of the trek.
    Porters and yaks can be hired to carry your luggage for a fee.
    Essential Gear:

    Sturdy hiking boots, breathable clothing for all weather conditions, warm layers, sun protection, sunglasses, hat, headlamp, water purification tablets/filter, trekking poles, first-aid kit, and personal medication.
    Down sleeping bag is recommended for high altitude campsites.
    Important Tips:

    Acclimatize properly by spending a few days in lower altitude areas before starting the trek.
    Listen to your body and take breaks when needed.
    Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water.
    Respect local customs and traditions.
    Be prepared for unpredictable weather conditions and possible changes in the itinerary.
    Consider travel insurance for unexpected situations.


    Ibrahim AYOUB

    Ibrahim AYOUB - UK

    An Unforgettable Trek Tilicho Lake and Annapurna Circuit

    The 17-day Annapurna Circuit Trek and Tilicho Lake orchestrated by Chij and his team at Adventure Land Nepal was an adventure marked by meticulous planning, exhilarating challenges, and breathtaking scenery.

    Each day’s itinerary was thoughtfully crafted to provide a balance of stunning landscapes, cultural immersion, physical training, and necessary acclimatization. Chij’s thorough briefings ensured that the itinerary aligned perfectly with our trip objectives.

    Our guide, Kanya, and porter, Karna, were beyond exceptional, treating us with the warmth and care of family. They expertly prepared us for each day’s journey, prioritized our safety, and never failed to keep us entertained with their infectious laughter.

    Interacting with other trekkers along the way, I realized that our experience was a rare gem. Not everyone had the fortune of encountering agencies as reliable, safe, and enjoyable as ours.

    I’m immensely grateful for the unforgettable experience provided by this remarkable team. When the time comes for another trek, there’s no doubt I’ll be seeking out Chij and his team at Adventure Land Nepal once again.

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    Adventure Land Nepal Tours and Travels P. Ltd.

    Nepal Jang Treks and Expedition P. Ltd.

    With over 18 years of experience we are well known in tourism sector of Nepal for operating both group and individual tours and treks. We have been executing adventure travel and tour itineraries with no occasion of complaints regarding our services since the time of our inception.

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    • Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
    • +977-9841225155
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    • info@nepaltourhiking.com
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