Situated at an altitude of 1,401 m, Bhaktapur (or Bhadgaon as popularly know as) covers an area of four square miles. Bhaktapur or “the City of Devotees” still retains the Bhaktapur, biggest bell.medieval charm and visitors to this ancient town are treated myriad wonders of cultural and artistic achievements.
Bhaktapur :
The Bhaktipur city is protected as a UNESCO world Heritage site. Bhaktapur, also known as Bhadgaon, it means city of the Devotees.It is the third major town of the valley and in many ways the most mediaeval.The Bhaktipur is on of the most charming architcture showpieces of the valley as it hightlights the ancient The main items of interest in the Bhaktapur are:The lion gate: Dating as far back as AD 1696, this gate is guarded on either side by two huge statues of lions.A long side, there are two stone images of Gods.The Golden gate:The golden gate is said to be the most beautiful and richly molded specimen of its kind in the entire world.The Golden is the mostly lovely piece of art in the whole Kingdom.
The palace fifty five windows : The place fifty five windows is the magnificent place was built during the reign of King Yakshya malla 1427 AD.Among the brick walls with their gracious setting and sculptural design is a considered to be a unique mabzer piece of wood carving. Nyatapola temple;The five storey,30 metre- high Nyatopola temple is not only the highest temple in the whole Kathmandu valley,but also one of the best example of Nepalese traditional architecture temple.The temple was built in 1702 AD and its design was so elegant and its construction well done.The art gallery: The art gallery contains ancient paintings belonging to the Hindu and Buddhist tradition of various periods description.The near of the Durbar square the statue of the Bhupandra malla. This statue showing King Bhupatandra malla in the act of worship is set one column facing the place.The square has many others statues,this is considered to be the most magnificient.In Bhaktipur othres more temples can be seen with a full of wonderful and magnificent arts and architecture. Bhaktipur’s people life style and them culture enchants you and enable to give you great experience in your life time. Bhaktipur also offers you such a glory woodcarving Handicrafts and colourful thangka paintings place.In Bhaktipur offers you many others interesting things which always able to difference experience than yours own.